The Week Ahead – 9.21.2020

Here’s a look at the U.S. economic events on the calendar this week. I’ve focused on including items that will drive general markets as well as the housing industry and mortgage bonds.

This week features a full festival lineup of FED speakers — traders will be chasing live streams around different economic clubs and testimonies to get an idea of how the FED is evaluating the current state of the economy as well as its outlook and the tools it sees necessary to bridge the gap through the COVID-crisis.

Monday – Sept 21st

  • 8:00 AM — Rob Kaplan (Dallas FED) Interview
  • 10:00 AM — Charles Evans (Chicago FED) Speaks
  • 12:00 PM — FED Gov Lael Brainard speaks on CRA
  • 6:00 PM — John Williams (New York FED) Speaks
  • 6:00 PM — Raphael Bostic (Atlanta FED) Speaks

Tuesday – Sept 22nd

  • 10:00 AM — Existing Home Sales
  • 10:30 AM — Jerome Powell testifies on the CARES Act
  • 12:00 PM — Tom Barkin (Richmond FED) speaks
  • 3:00 PM — Raphael Bostic (Atlanta FED) Speaks

Wednesday – Sept 23rd

  • 9:00 AM – Loretta Mester (Clevland FED) Speaks
  • 9:45 AM – Markit Manufacturing & Services PMI
  • 10:00 AM — Jerome Powell testifies on COVID
  • 11:00 AM — Charles Evans (Chicago FED) speaks
  • 12:00 PM – Eric Rosengren (Boston FED) speaks
  • 1:00 PM — Raphael Bostic (Atlanta FED) Speaks
  • 2:00 PM – FED Vice Chair Randal Quarles Speaks

Thursday – Sept 24th

  • 8:30 AM – Initial Jobless Claims
  • 8:50 AM — Rob Kaplan (Dallas FED) speaks
  • 10:00 AM – New Home Sales
  • 10:00 AM — Jerome Powell testifies on the CARES Act
  • 12:00 PM — James Bullard (St. Louis FED) Speaks
  • 1:00 PM — Tom Barkin (Richmond FED) speaks
  • 1:00 PM — Charles Evans (Chicago FED) speaks
  • 2:00 PM — Tom Barkin (Richmond FED) speaks
  • 2:00 PM — Raphael Bostic (Atlanta FED) Speaks

Friday – Sept 25th

  • 8:30 AM – Durable Goods Orders
  • 11:00 AM — Charles Evans (Chicago FED) speaks
  • 3:00 PM — John Williams (New York FED) Speaks

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